Work Easy

Two words that describe a concept that we hold in great value in our society. Two words that mean that you are diligent, nose to the grindstone, dedicated. You are doing something that is difficult, taxing- even, draining.

Those words…WORK HARD.

As a Neuromovement practitioner I know that when you work hard (which implies force) you do only that which you already know how to do. You can only do forcefully what you already know. Using force to achieve a goal is a primitive approach.

I propose that we should equally value an opposite concept.

that concept…


When you “work easy” you can do new things. You can be creative, light, responsive, and efficient.

I invite you to experiment with working EASY. What new things will your brain figure out? Maybe you will discover that when you are easeful you make new connections, develop new ways and habits that help you to get MORE things done!!

A “work easy'“ day is my favourite kind of day.


Happy New Year!


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