How does NeuroMovement® get me out of PAIN?
Pain can be really hard to understand. When we have an accident, fall or bump there is an obvious event that we can point at directly as the cause of why we are feeling pain. Then there’s that sneaky pain that comes from an unknown source.
hip pain
shoulder pain
neck pain
foot pain
plantar fasciitis
difficulty breathing
I'm a NeuroMovement® Practitioner! I use gentle Movement to give you new options for how you function.
I guide you naturally out of PAIN by upgrading your Brain so you can live an empowered life of ease, flexibility and comfort.
Did you know that Humans develop their brain after we’re born? This such good news for us!!
Being born with a brain that must be wired after we’re born means that we can always go back to develop and refine it! We are not stuck being “Ourself 1.0”!
It also means that everything we do is something we have LEARNED. It may seem crazy but this includes PAIN!!
Another cool thing is that the development of the brain is never completed. We can always learn more!
Some areas of our brain are highly formed and other areas need some refinement. Sometimes these areas that need more refinement cause us PAIN.
I help you recognize where you need more brain development! And then together we upgrade your brain!!
It’s time for you to get new movement patterns and habits! Ones that don’t include pain.
If you want to naturally get out of pain contact me today.
NeuroMovement® is easy and gentle and has miraculous results.
Aren’t you ready for that?